When I was in college, each year there was one movie that got watched over and over again in the dorms, to the point that I never wanted to see it again. My freshman year, that movie was Shrek. My sophomore year, that movie was Pirates of the Caribbean.
Now, some ten years later, I can look back fondly on those times in the dorm together with friends (even if I'm not keen to watch those movies again). And despite not wanting to watch Pirates again, piratey games are definitely not off limits. Does Libertalia deliver the goods (and then plunder them)? Find out below!
How It Works
Libertalia is a role-selection/auction game for two to six players. Players are pirate captains dividing the booty of raided ships over three campaigns. The player with the most doubloons at the end of three campaigns wins.
At the start of the game, each player receives an almost-identical deck of thirty different role cards. Each role card has a rank (a number 1-30), a special ability, and a tiebreaker number. (The decks only differ in tiebreaker numbers.) At the start of the first round, one player shuffles his or her deck of role cards and reveals nine. All players remove these nine cards from their decks to form their hands.
The ship board, loaded with booty for four players. |
Each campaign has six days of raiding, followed by one day of rest, when scores are tabulated and recorded. At the start of each day, each player secretly and simultaneously chooses one role card from their hand. Once everyone has chosen, the roles are revealed and arranged on the ship board by rank, from low to high, and by tiebreaker number (if there are any ties). Then, in ascending order of rank, each card activates its sunrise ability. Once that is finished, in descending rank order, players activate any dusk abilities and choose one booty tile from that day's hold, placing the tile and the character in their dens. Booty tiles grant either doubloons, the ability to kill other players' characters, Spanish officers (who kill the character who chooses them), treasure maps (worth nothing except in sets of three), or cursed relics (which take away doubloons). Finally, at the end of the day, any nighttime abilities in each player's den activate.
This happens six times. On the day of rest, any anchor abilities are resolved first, then players calculate their total doubloons and record this amount on the score track. The booty tiles are returned to the bag, players return all doubloons but ten, characters in players' dens and discard piles are removed from the game, and play continues, with new booty tiles added to the ship. At the start of the next two campaigns, the player who shuffled his or her deck reveals six more roles, which all players add to their hands.
At the end of the third campaign, the player with the most doubloons wins.
It's all about the doubloons. (And yes, these are as awesome as they look.) |
It's not often that one game completely supplants another in my affections. There's room in my heart for all three members of Knizia's auction trilogy, for Rialto and Bruges, for Acquire and other stock games, and so on. But Libertalia? This game has made Citadels obsolete in my collection.
Libertalia is one of the most fun games I've played in a while. It combines the second-stage auction mechanic from For Sale with the interactive, simultaneous role-selection of Mission: Red Planet (and close relative Citadels) into a cohesive, engaging, and thoroughly thematic whole. Yet despite borrowing some mechanics from other games, Libertalia stands on its own.
All thirty role cards in the red deck. |
But it's not just the characters' abilities that matters; their rank matters as well, as characters with a higher rank choose their spoils first. This obviously matters on a ship with only one treasure chest and the rest curses. Playing high or low rank may seem to be a straightforward decision: if the loot is bad, choose a higher-rank character to get the better portion. But things aren't so simple in Libertalia. Certain roles affect both the order on the ship and can negatively affect either the bottom or the top of the ranks. The Brute, for example, kills the character with the highest rank on the ship. The Beggar takes three doubloons from the character with the highest rank, and it's not unheard of for multiple Beggars to appear at once. And some booty, the sabers and Spanish officers, kill certain characters. Drafting early or late may protect or expose a player to danger, as only characters alive in a player's den perform their nighttime or anchor abilities.
This situation should be rarer than it is... |
I'll give one example. In a recent game I played, I had three characters in my discard pile--Granny Wata (who is very powerful if you're the only player to have her), Monkey (who passes cursed booty tokens to the player on the left), and someone else I can't remember. I played my Surgeon, who allowed me to take one discarded character back into my hand. My opponent to the left was certain I had chosen Granny Wata. After all, everyone else's Grannies were dead, and a lone Granny is powerful indeed. He waited and waited for my Granny to show up, and he had a smug smile because he knew the player to my right had saved her Monkey to hand me all of her curses at the end. Well, in the very last round of the game, there were two monkeys on that ship, and mine was higher by tiebreaker. I handed my opponent all of my and the other player's curses, placing me (just barely) in the winning position.
Booty tiles. What's coming up next? |
It helps that the theme is so present in the game. Some games can easily be transported from one thematic setting to another (see: Spyrium). Libertalia is so tightly married to its theme that it's difficult (if not impossible) for me to imagine it in another setting. What helps in this category is the components. The artwork throughout, the thick cardboard doubloons, the booty tokens, the scoreboard--everything looks fantastic, and it feels that way too. One note of caution: while the game is not gruesome, some of the cards may be disturbing to younger players. The Surgeon's shirt is covered in blood, the Voodoo Witch is a bit scary looking, and the Mutineer's ability to kill other members of the ship's crew could make some players uncomfortable. It's nothing excessive, and it fits with the theme. Of course, because of the reading involved, this game seems better suited for older children and above anyway.
Not a great day for treasure. |
I'll mention a few other things. First, while the rulebook is clear on the gameplay, some of the card abilities are a bit hazy upon first read. (The BGG forums can be helpful here.) A supplement would have been nice. Second, the game's box lists 2-6 players. While I suppose it's possible to play with two or three, I think four or five is the sweet spot. Then there are enough players to keep the game decisions from becoming rote, and still enough decision space to reward good choices and punish bad ones.
The player dens double as player aids. These are super helpful for new players. |
The scoreboard. |

Simultaneous gameplay makes rounds move quickly, even with new players
Game offers great decision points with lots of interaction and opportunities for social gameplay
Fantastic components
Despite words on cards, fairly easy to teach and understand
Awesome to shuffle curses to other players with the Monkey
Rulebook could use a character supplement to explain some interactions and clarify some abilities
Some players may find the game too chaotic
Tiebreaker system is not always "fair"
Bummer to receive curses with the Monkey
Great review! Like you, I love Libertalia. I think you said it well here: "it's kind to new players without insulting experienced ones". It takes less than 5 minutes to explain the rules, which is great.
DeleteYou're right that the teaching time is so short, which baffled me the first time I taught it. I thought the "words on cards" effect would slow the game down, but players caught on super fast. The simultaneous play and uncertainty of the game state help keep the game moving. Love it.
Count me in as one who feels the tie-breaker system is broken. One of the monkeys is always the 'best monkey,' for example, getting to go last and passing on whatever curses the other weaker monkeys may have just thrown the player's way. It was nice for you that you had the better monkey in your example, but it is pretty unfair to the player with the weaker one.
ReplyDeleteI haven't decided on my favorite alternate tiebreaker to use, yet, but I do always use one.
I enjoy the game a lot otherwise.